maintain capabilities file centrally

Ravi Mitra Reddy
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December 4, 2024

Hi everyone, 

my usecase : I have lot of remote agents running on a machine (5-10 agents). As of now we have capabilities defined in both ways like few capabilities are defined manually via Bamboo UI and few capabilities are defined in file. 

requirement : now the requirement is we would like to follow a standard way of defining capabilities that is maintaining everything in .properties file. Maintaining a file in each of the agent is little difficult if there is a change in the capability we need to visit each and every agent configuration file and change there. 

We would like to maintain one file that should be managed centrally across all remote agents so that if we add or modify or delete a capability from the .properties file then it should be reflected across all remote agents. How can we make this possible. Please help. 


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Shashank Kumar
Atlassian Team
Atlassian Team members are employees working across the company in a wide variety of roles.
December 12, 2024

Hello Ravi,

Welcome to Atlassian community.

The capabilities file of each agent stays within it's home and it's not advisable for multiple agents to share this path, similar explanation is done at Why it is not advisable to share a common build working directory for Bamboo Remote agents 

Also this is opposite to how remote agent is designed and suppose to work, each agent ideally should have it's own capability so that the Job which matches the requirement goes to that specific agent. Probably in your scenario you want all the agents to have the same capabilities I don't think so this is supported now.


Shashank Kumar

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