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bamboo agent installation stuck on windows at "waiting to register on server "

Rishi.Randhir January 21, 2021

Hello all, 

I am trying to install on a windows VM the bamboo agent 

- The installation starts normally , and at one point i see that the agent is waiting for registration ,  I approve the agent in request in the bamboo server websire in Agents section 

- After 60 seconds , the agent comes to a standstill at "[AgentRegistrationBean] Registering agent on the server,"

2021-01-21 14:37:02,268 ERROR [ActiveMQ Task-1] [FailoverTransport] Failed to connect to [ssl://] after
: 10 attempt(s)
2021-01-21 14:37:02,278 INFO [ActiveMQ Connection Executor: unconnected] [PooledConnectionFactory] Expiring connection ActiveMQConnection {id=ID:VMO7222PA073-49537-1611239356960-1:1,clientId=ID:VMO722
2PA073-49537-1611239356960-0:1,started=false} on IOException: Connection timed out: connect
2021-01-21 14:37:02,281 WARN [AgentRunnerThread] [RemoteAgent$1] Exception encountered during context initialization - cancelling refresh attempt: org.springframework.beans.factory.BeanCreationExcepti
on: Error creating bean with name 'agentRegistrationBean': Invocation of init method failed; nested exception is org.springframework.remoting.RemoteAccessException: Could not access JMS invoker queue
[queue://com.atlassian.bamboo.registrationQueue]; nested exception is javax.jms.IllegalStateException: javax.jms.JMSException: Connection timed out: connect


I checked with IT and they have opened the port 54663,  but the below tests show me otherwise.

I also tried to telnet using telnet 54663 , but connection times out 

Also tried , 

PS C:\Users\bharathkp-a> Test-NetConnection -InformationLevel detailed -ComputerName -Port 54663
WARNING: Ping to failed -- Status: TimedOut
WARNING: TCP connect to failed

ComputerName :
RemoteAddress :
RemotePort : 54663
AllNameResolutionResults :
MatchingIPsecRules :
NetworkIsolationContext : Internet
IsAdmin : False
InterfaceAlias : Ethernet
SourceAddress :
NetRoute (NextHop) :
PingSucceeded : False
PingReplyDetails (RTT) : 0 ms
TcpTestSucceeded : False

Should the port 60001 also be opened ? 

What do you suggest i should do next ? 

1 answer

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Rishi.Randhir January 27, 2021

Opening the port 60001 and also opening 54663 worked 

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