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Where is my unit test files(container) to run MSTest in Bamboo?

muratgur April 10, 2018

I'm trying to add a task to run my unit tests written in Visual Studio 2017. According to this article everything is perfect but i don't know what to set for container. I have the source code, thats ok but there is no .dll it is just pure code. Am i getting something wrong? I was wondering that Bamboo can compile and run my tests in a .csproj but looks like i'm missing something. Any idea?

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Jean Volski
Atlassian Team
Atlassian Team members are employees working across the company in a wide variety of roles.
April 11, 2018

Hi Murat,

This link explains the /testcontainer parameter that MSTest tool expects as input.

Bamboo itself does not compile the project - only calls the MSTest tool for the compiled project so you'll need to create your .dll first.



Hope this helps!




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