Unable to install plugin "Groovy Tasks for Bamboo" and other also

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June 17, 2019

I need to install plugin for building gradle task, but i am unable to install any plugin. I have tried other plugin as well but they are also not working i am getting this error "Problem accessing the file Groovy Tasks for Bamboo." see attached screenshot. Is there any way to resolve this? 


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I'm New Here
I'm New Here
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June 18, 2019

It is working now. Here is what I did: Start Menu>type Start in console> right click and go to file location, then run the file "Start in console" as an administrator. 

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Jack Nolddor [Sweet Bananas]
Atlassian Partner
June 17, 2019

Hi and welcome,

This error seems to be a connectivity issue. Please ensure that you have correctly configure your network (Firewall, Forward or Rreverse Proxy) in order to install third-party apps.

See Configuring Marketplace connectivity article for further information.


Firewall Rules

To allow UPM to perform online functions behind a firewall, you need to set up firewall whitelist rules that enable UPM to connect on port 443 to these servers:

*.atlassian.com: UPM connects to several servers in the atlassian.com domain, including marketplace.atlassian.com, marketplace-cdn.atlassian.com, id.atlassian.com, maven.atlassian.com, and others.  

*.cloudfront.net: certain Marketplace assets (screenshots, logos etc) are hosted on cloudfront. Calls to that domain are expected.

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