Unable to change the location of bamboo-atlassian.log

Bhagyalaxmi August 16, 2023

I am trying to change the location of the bamboo-atlassian-log file from (bamboo-home)\logs to another location.

I used this https://confluence.atlassian.com/bamboo/logging-in-bamboo-289277239.html to move the location.

The wrapper.conf file has the following content:



and log4j2.properties has following content:

#using 'bamboo home aware' appender. If the File is relative a relative Path the file goes into {bamboo.home}/logs
appender.filelog.type = BambooRollingFile
appender.filelog.name = filelog
appender.filelog.fileName = atlassian-bamboo.log
appender.filelog.filePattern = atlassian-bamboo.log.%i
appender.filelog.layout.type = PatternLayout
appender.filelog.layout.pattern = %d{DEFAULT} %p [%t] [%C{1}] %m%n
appender.filelog.policies.type = Policies
appender.filelog.policies.size.type = SizeBasedTriggeringPolicy
appender.filelog.policies.size.size = 100MB
appender.filelog.strategy.type = DefaultRolloverStrategy
appender.filelog.strategy.max = 5
appender.filelog.strategy.fileIndex = min


For this configuration, I get error that

ERROR [WrapperSimpleAppMain] [RemoteAgentBootstrap] LOG4J: Custom configuration at C:\Progs\BambooBuildAgent\log4j2.properties is invalid, using defaults.


The  log4j2.properties file was taken from the bamboo server and added to the remote agent

Could someone help me resolve this?

Thanks in advance.




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