Triggering build plan on pull request

Alex T
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January 4, 2018

Hi. I did a research on how to kick off build plan when PR is created, it works flawlessly when I create a branch in the same repo.

However, in my case, I need to start a build plan when PR is created from a fork of the main repo to the main repo. I search the internet/plugins but still didn't find any solid solutions. 

I'm using Bamboo 6.2.2 build 60209 & Atlassian Bitbucket v4.8.4

So my question is the following: is it possible to start a build plan on branches residing in the forked repos when you create PR to the main repo? If so, can I get some tips/links on how this could be done?

Thank you!

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Atlassian Team
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January 5, 2018

Hi Alex,

At this time it doesn't appear this is possible.  I checked JAC for a current Suggestion request and found BAM-14844.  Take a look and make sure the description matches your issue and if so please vote on BAM-14844 to add impact.

If you don't agree that matches I would recommend that you create a Suggestion on JAC and post the link here so the Community can vote for this feature request.



Alex T
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January 8, 2018

Hi Branden,

yes, this is the exact option I'm looking for. With having more than 50 devs with their own forked repositories it becomes very challenging to setup build pipeline for each PR created.

Will be waiting for the update on BAM-14844.


Thank you for your reply.

I'm New Here
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February 23, 2018

+1, this really sounds like it should be a Bamboo feature. It's a fairly standard practice to fork repos, work, and create a PR to the main repository.

Ben Hansen
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May 16, 2018

+1 for targeting plans based on pull request to destination repo fork and/or branch.

Leandro Romero
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January 22, 2019

+1 really useful feature

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