The "Detach container" option does not keep container up after task execution

Marcio de Jesus
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December 20, 2018

Hi guys,

I'm using the docker plugin to run a "docker run" by Bamboo with the settings below.

run nginx.JPG


my log is this




The problem I'm facing is that according to the documentation the "Detach container" option should keep the container running in  background (, but the behavior is different.


You can see in the photo below that the container is created but it is destroyed at the end of the terefa. It is also possible to see that I executed the same command generated by the plugin and the container in this case is still online.

docker ps with empty result.JPG



Anyone have any idea what might be happening?


Thank you all!

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Rafael Pinto Sperafico
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December 27, 2018

Hi @Marcio de Jesus,

Please, have a look at the announcement below, extracted from Task "Detach container" still terminates container, comments section:

Atlassian Update – 18 September 2018

Hi everyone,

Thank you for your interest in this issue. 
While designing Docker Tasks in Bamboo we made a decision that all containers started in background during execution of a job will be terminated at the end of the job. Note that we don't have "terminate container" task.
The checkbox Detach container that we exposed on the UI allows to start container in a task and then use the started container in subsequent tasks (ie. to run tests).

If you're looking for a way to start a container and keep it running after Bamboo job has been completed, you need to run the docker command from the script task.

Please share your feedback in the comments below.

Kind regards,
Bamboo Team

Kind regards,


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