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[Solved] Bamboo Scheduled Deployment Trigger doesn't work

Andreas Herold June 12, 2018

Hello Atlassian Community,

the goal I want to reach is, that Bamboo deploys a specific branch every night.
So I use the "Scheduled Trigger", fill in the description and a schedule time (daily at 10:00 pm). And than I change the "Branch" selection to "Use a custom plan branch" and chose a branch from the list.

But at that time nothing happens. Really nothing. No log, no deployment.

If I chose "After successful build plan" as the trigger (with the same plan branch), everything works fine and as expected.

Is there something I left for this trigger?

By the way, I use Bamboo Version 6.2.2 (build 60209).

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Andreas Herold June 12, 2018

I found the solution.

It is a timezone problem. The time displayed in the frontend of bamboo is "my" timezone, but if you are using the schedule-trigger you have to use the timezone of the server bamboo is running on.

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