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Running two Bamboo remote agents on same server as windows service?

Andrew Morin December 6, 2012

I want to have two agents running as a windows service on the same server. Can I rename the existing service of the first agent and change its name in the "Edit Details" section of administration and the install second agent as windows service so it picks up the default names? Is there a better way to do this or am I on the right path. Wasn't sure about the service name change but I know the second agent install would probably fail if a service of the same name already existed.

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Adam Myatt
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December 10, 2012

You can have multiple agents running as Windows Services on the same Windows PC. I have 5 or 6 running on one just fine. In general the best practices I've found for installing multiple agents include the following from my own personal notes :

When installing the agents, ensure you use the command line switch -Dbamboo.home=DIR where DIR is the unique directory where you are installing the individual agents.

Additionally, if you are installing multiple agents as Windows Services you need to edit the names or the services after installing each service.

The agent configuration is mostly contained in the file <bamboo.home>/conf/wrapper.conf

In the wrapper.conf file the very bottom defines the names of the NT services that were installed.

If you have 1 windows agent installed, use the BAT files that are part of the agent to UNINSTALL the agent service, then edit the fields "wrapper.ntservice.name" and "wrapper.ntservice.displayname" to use numbers for example :

Change :

# Name of the service

# Display name of the service

To Something like this :

# Name of the service

# Display name of the service
wrapper.ntservice.displayname=Bamboo Agent 01

Then save and use the BAT file to reinstall as a service. Then follow the standard installation steps for installing a second windows agent and repeat the steps above to then uninstall the agent, rename the NT service parameters, and REINSTALL the second service (and 3rd and 4th, etc.)

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