Requirements in yaml bamboo specs

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March 20, 2020

Hi! I am trying to create a yaml bamboo specs which will be require Docker and linux OS. (But for now focus on Docker)
Unfortunatelly, each of my attempts failed. I know I should be able to use exist capabilities from agents, so maybe somebody can tell me how to create that requirement in *yml file.

File looks that:

key: XXYY
name: build image

- jobs:
- scripts:
- echo 'Build docker image'
- docker build -t x-t .
- Docker

But it doesn't work. I've got an information that no agent can run my job becouse of that requirements. But I know that many of agents has docker installed.
Example screen from capabilities from one of agent:

Could somebody can tell me why I cannot to run that yaml file with requirements? Maybe that requirement value should be written in another way?
Except of docker I want to require linux OS, so if you can tell me how to do that too it will be great. 

Thanks a lot

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Jimmy Seddon
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March 23, 2020

Hi @Bartłomiej_Jakubiec,

Welcome to the Community!

I struggle with the Bamboo YAML syntax myself.  If you check out the documentation:

You will see how Atlassian is recommending you format the syntax for requirements, which looks as if it's different than you have defined above.  I'd recommend experimenting with the definition until you get something that works for you.

I hope that helps!


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