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Recommendations For OS for Bamboo server

Avinash Sunnasy July 18, 2018

Hi there,

We currently use Jenkins we would like to try Bamboo. 
We need many agents either local or remote that use Windows. 

What OS do I need to use for the server?

In Jenkins, we have a Linux master with many windows based slaves.

I don't need the server to be Linux, but I don't know if I can create a Windows local agents on a Linux server. 

Any ideas?



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Gabriel Ribeiro
Atlassian Team
Atlassian Team members are employees working across the company in a wide variety of roles.
July 19, 2018

Hi Avinash,

Although you shouldn't notice any difference in basic Bamboo operations if you decide to install it on Windows, I personally recommend you to install the server on a Linux machine. You will not be able to set local windows agents but this condition will be easily "workaroundable" using remote agents.


Avinash Sunnasy July 19, 2018

Hi Gabriel,

Thanks for your response. I need to learn a bit more about remote agents due to pricing. Can you explain how a remote agent compares to a Jenkins slave?

Let's say I have a Windows VM with 16 cores and 16GB ram. In Jenkins, this is one slave. It runs one instance of a JVM per slave. 

With regards to Bamboo, is this considered one remote agent? 



Gabriel Ribeiro
Atlassian Team
Atlassian Team members are employees working across the company in a wide variety of roles.
July 19, 2018

Hi Avinash,

The idea is basically the same, remote agents, unlike the local ones, run in a separate JVM and use JMS to communicate with Bamboo server.

In the example you mentioned (Windows VM with 16 cores and 16GB ram) you can run one or multiple remote agents, the only limitations will be hardware capacity and your license tier.

You'll find more detailed information in the documentation below:

If you have any further questions, please let us know.


Avinash Sunnasy July 19, 2018

Hi Gabriel, 

I think we'll go with the Windows server because of cost reasons. It would be great if there was a pricing option that included 1 free remote agent and a lightweight (non-builder) server.



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