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Plan status isActive vs isBuilding

Lei P January 10, 2018

One can call following RestAPI to get Plan Detail


curl --user 'xxx':'xxx' -H "Accept: application/json" -X GET 'http://localhost:8085/rest/api/latest/plan/PRJ-PLANKEY2'

{"expand":"actions,stages,branches,variableContext","projectKey":"PRJ","projectName":"Project Name","project":{"key":"PRJ","name":"Project Name","description":"","link":{"href":"http://localhost:8085/rest/api/latest/project/PRJ","rel":"self"}},"description":"Plan created from (enter repository url of your plan)","shortName":"Plan2","buildName":"Plan2","shortKey":"PLANKEY2","type":"chain","enabled":true,"link":{"href":"http://localhost:8085/rest/api/latest/plan/PRJ-PLANKEY2","rel":"self"},"isFavourite":false,"isActive":true,"isBuilding":true,"averageBuildTimeInSeconds":5.0,"actions":{"size":7,"start-index":0,"max-result":7},"stages":{"size":2,"start-index":0,"max-result":2},"branches":{"size":0,"start-index":0,"max-result":0},"variableContext":{"size":1,"max-results":1},"key":"PRJ-PLANKEY2","name":"Project Name - Plan2","planKey":{"key":"PRJ-PLANKEY2"}}


What is the difference between Plan isActive and isBuilding? 

If one want to find out if a Plan is running, which of these 2 parameter best fit the requirement? 






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Atlassian Team
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January 10, 2018

Hi Lei,

"isActive" - means that the build has been triggered.

"isBuilding" - means build execution has been started and the agent is executing it.

So "isBuilding" will be the best fit for your requirement.


To test the above:

1. Disable all the agents in the Bamboo.

2. Trigger the build.

<Result> - Since there is no agent to execute the build the "isActive" will become "true" and "isBuilding" will be "false"


1. Enable the agents and run the build again

<Result> - Both "isActive" and "isBuilding" will be "true"


Hope this will help.




BIF01 March 12, 2021

"isActive" - means that the build has been triggered.

"isBuilding" - means build execution has been started and the agent is executing it.

If we got from /rest/api/latest/plan/{planKey} the fields:

{ "isActive": true, "isBuilding": false }

then we'll found that planKey as queued build from /rest/api/latest/queue?expand=queuedBuilds?

Thanks in advance.


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