MySql 5.0.x with Bamboo 3.4.x: yes or no? (Please clarify Supported Platforms table)

Ed Segall March 1, 2012

The Supported Platforms table for Bamboo ( says that MySql 5.0.x is NOT supported, but that MySql 5.x with JDBC Connected/J 5.1 is supported:


(tick) 5.x with JDBC Connector/J 5.1
(error) 5.0.x

I am having trouble understanding how to reconcile these two entries, since 5.x would seem to include 5.0.x. Does this table mean that all 5.x versions are supported except for 5.0.x versions, or does it mean that all 5.x versions are supported so long as Bamboo connects using JDBC Connected/J 5.1, but not otherwise, or does it mean something else?

FYI we are currently using Bamboo 3.1.1 with MySql 5.0.26 and wish to upgrade Bamboo to 3.4.4. I need to know whether or not we need to upgrade MySql, and if so, how far.


--Ed Segall

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Przemek Bruski
Atlassian Team
Atlassian Team members are employees working across the company in a wide variety of roles.
March 1, 2012

I am having trouble understanding how to reconcile these two entries

"5.x is supported, but any release in 5.0.x series isn't". You should upgrade to 5.1.x or higher.

whether or not we need to upgrade MySql, and if so, how far.

Support for MySQL 5.0 has been ended (by MySQL devs, not Atlassian) in 2009, so we cannot encourage our customers to use DBMSes no longer supported by their own creators. You should upgrade as far as you can - on Linux, upgrade your distribution and choose the distro-recommended MySQL version, on Windows, get 5.5.x.

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Przemek Bruski
Atlassian Team
Atlassian Team members are employees working across the company in a wide variety of roles.
March 19, 2012

May I suggest clarifying the Supported Platforms table as well?


FYI, in my initial testing, I saw no issues using MySql 5.0.26 with Bamboo 3.4.4 on Suse Linux 10 release 3.

Well, it's not like these older DBMSes don't work at all. They work fine 99% of the time and then e.g. an upgrade tasks takes days instead of minutes or one of the pages develops a performance problem...

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Ed Segall March 18, 2012


Thank you for clarifying in your response that 5.0.x is not supported. May I suggest clarifying the Supported Platforms table as well?

FYI, in my initial testing, I saw no issues using MySql 5.0.26 with Bamboo 3.4.4 on Suse Linux 10 release 3.


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