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Idle Agent Shutdown Delay

Naveen kumar Mettu
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September 7, 2018

Idle Agent Shutdown Delay

Specify the number of minutes that an elastic agent must be idle before Bamboo shuts down the elastic instance running that agent.
 (info) Elastic instances running in the Amazon EC2 compute cloud are charged in hourly blocks from the time they are started. To maximize usage of elastic instances in a cost-effective manner, Bamboo only performs these checks just prior to the expiry of each hourly block.


Here it's mentioned instances running in Amazon EC2 charged hourly, but recently all Linux ec2 instances are being charged on a Seconds basis. So the above-mentioned statement still holds?

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Jeremy Owen
Atlassian Team
Atlassian Team members are employees working across the company in a wide variety of roles.
September 12, 2018

Hey Naveen,

Bamboo 6.3 and above support Per-second billing. Here's the feature request that was implemented for your reference:

It's configurable per Image Configuration at Bamboo Administration >> (Elastic Bamboo) Image Configurations >> Edit.

When Per-second billing is enabled, the Automatic Elastic Management feature will shutdown the any Elastic Agent utilizing that image config as soon as the Idle agent shutdown delay threshold is reached rather than waiting till the end of the hourly block.

We'll make sure the docs are updated accordingly. Thank you so much for pointing that out.

Hope this helps. :)



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