How to setup a plan to run in different configurations ?

July 3, 2011

Hello everybody,

I am new to Bamboo and trying to understand how it works. I have a c++ project (cmake based) where I want the following steps to be executed:

Configure -> Build -> Test -> Package -> Distribute

I presume this is my "Build Plan".I created a single job with 5 tasks. Is that the correct way of doing it ? or should I split it in Jobs within Stages ?

Secondly, I want this plan to be ran on different platforms (Ubuntu, Mac) and with different configurations (gcc 3.x vs 4.x, Debug vs Release mode).

I have therefore created 2 remote agents, one on mac one on Ubuntu. Apparently here I have to duplicate the plan because I can't run the same plan on two different agents. Is that correct ?

I also want to alter the configure task so that I can run against different compilers or with different compiler flags. Do I have again to duplicate my plan ?

At this point, I have already 16 plans (all combinations of the various configurations). If now I realize that I need 1 more step in my plan, do I seriously have to edit the 16 plans ? Or did I miss something ? Is there any ways of parameterizing a plan to avoid this issue ?

Thank you in advance,


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Przemek Bruski
Atlassian Team
Atlassian Team members are employees working across the company in a wide variety of roles.
July 4, 2011

I created a single job with 5 tasks. Is that the correct way of doing it ? or should I split it in Jobs within Stages ?

That's correct. Stages would also work, but you'd have to pass the artifact between them which would likely increase the build time.

Apparently here I have to duplicate the plan because I can't run the same plan on two different agents. Is that correct ?

Yes, that's right.

Is there any ways of parameterizing a plan to avoid this issue ?

Unfortunately not.

July 4, 2011

Ok, thank you very much. Now all is clear :)


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