Environment :
bitbucket 6.4.0
bamboo 7.0
Goal :
build bamboo plan using bitbucket webhook
Problem :
In bitbucket, I already set webhook using bamboo REST api,
but when I was triggering test connection, always 40x error because of authentification error.
So I made Personal Access Token in Bamboo, and also testing with curl. It was worked.
>>> curl -X POST -H 'Authorization: Bearer MjcxMTAyNDA1NTU2OoMVVfWJtxxxxxxx' http://localhost:8085/rest/api/1.0/queue/MY-PLAN
But I fiiled that token in bitbucket webhook secret, I didn't work.
So this is my question.
1. Is the correct method that fill the 'secret' input box with Personal Access Token?
2. If 1 is wrong, How do i fill that 'secret' input box?
3. Or is any other suggestion to run bamboo plan with bitbucket repository PR?