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How to Run Bamboo Remote Agent Service in Background

Mohammad Saleem
I'm New Here
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November 19, 2019

I have installed Bamboo Agent Service through InstallBambooAgent-NT.bat file. The service is running but when we are running the plan through master Bamboo server not able to run plan successfully. I have also updated the logon properties in Bamboo Agent Service.


Below error is coming:

C:\Users\MissionUser\bamboo-agent-home\xml-data\build-dir\SDCPROD-SDC4REL5-JOB1>tasklist /fi "imagename eq Wise32.exe" | find ":" 1>nul
'tasklist' is not recognized as an internal or external command,
operable program or batch file.


Please provide the solution that how we can run bamboo agent service in background.






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Daniel Santos
Atlassian Team
Atlassian Team members are employees working across the company in a wide variety of roles.
November 25, 2019

Hi @Mohammad Saleem

The command above is not running possibly because the PATH variable is not defined while the command is called. It usually happens when the agent is not running with a Linux local user, but instead with a system user.

We do recommend that a local user is used and if this is your case, you can adjust this by following this article: 

Please let us know if that fixes the issue.

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