How do I size a Bamboo server for remote agents

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July 24, 2020

I want to run a Bamboo server with a second server that will run remote agents.  How do I size that server?  Is there a recommended size (CPU and memory) per agent?

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Daniel Ebers
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August 12, 2020


the probably often given and more generic answer is: that depends on your usage scenarios, number of build and on how your expectations towards performance and probably needed waiting times are.

Please find a best practice guide on hardware considerations here:

For more specific sizing details you would have to make own tests for sure.

Maybe you find this video also adding up some insights - at least it is quite entertaining.


I'm New Here
I'm New Here
Those new to the Atlassian Community have posted less than three times. Give them a warm welcome!
August 12, 2020

The presentation was helpful but that hardware guid is not.  It talks only about local agents and the Bamboo server itself.

I realize sizing agents has a lot to do with what they are doing but if I want to run 10 agents on a particular VM that is allocated should I have at least 1 CPU core per agent and 2 GB RAM? or more or less?

I'm just looking for any sort of basic sizing assuming that all of the agents could be in use at a time.

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