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How do I quarantine a test in Bamboo 6.4.1?

Thomas Kalafut
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I'm New Here
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April 26, 2018

In previous versions, there was a big fat button next to each test result that said "Quarantine".  Now I see a "settings" gear icon with 2 drop down choices (create or link a Jira ticket).  Did we misconfigure something?  Do I not have permission perhaps?

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Thomas Kalafut
I'm New Here
I'm New Here
Those new to the Atlassian Community have posted less than three times. Give them a warm welcome!
April 26, 2018

Never mind.  I found it.  There's a Quarantine Settings choice on the main Bamboo Administration menu.  We needed to enable it.  Now there's a 3rd drop down choice next to each test result.

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