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How do I authorize Eclipse to retrieve bamboo results?

Timo Veldt
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June 30, 2011

I've just installed the Eclipse Connector and added a repository for Jira which works fine. I've also added a repository for bamboo, which showed all the build on the server and I selected a subset of these builds. However when refreshing the build information in the Bamboo view, Eclipse reports a HTTP 401 error.

As you might notice from the description above, the connector told me my login credentials are correct so I'm assuming it is a Bamboo issue. How can I allow Eclipse to retrieve the Bamboo build information (I have administrator rights for bamboo)?

**Using Bamboo 2.5.3 build 1716 and Eclipse Helios (3.6) with Atlassian Connector 3.0.0 plugin and Mylyn 3.6.0 plugin.**

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Jens Schumacher [Atlassian]
Rising Star
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July 7, 2011

Could you provide some more details on this? What version of Eclipse are you running and what version of Bamboo?

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