How can I administer 'Source Repository Aliases' in Bamboo

Ben Kunkel
March 5, 2014

Some of my users have identified their own username as an alias for the source code repository in Bamboo (Administration->Security:Users)...or so it seems. Some users have an alias equal to their own username, others have none. A few have experimented with identifying users other than themselves. They have done this so that they are informed when that user makes changes to the code which prompt a build in Bamboo. The problem is that these aliases then skew statics in the Authors section.

Now, each time somebody adds a user as an alias (spelled correctly, misspelled, obsolete or otherwise) it gets added to some mystical list deep in Bamboo and becomes an option in a choicelist when other users edit their profiles. This leads to more usage of this field and a viscious cycle.

Does anyone know how I can remove alias options from this list?

Does anyone know how I can prevent users from editing aliases, even on their own accounts?

This is very related to another topic in this forum:

...but the answers there just skimmed the surface.

2 answers

1 vote
Will Buckner
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May 8, 2015

Bump... anyone have an answer for this?

0 votes
Mitch Gann June 12, 2017

I to am a little dissappointed in the documentation on how to admin these 'aliases' and what they may or may not be doing for cross-user functionality.

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