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Database setup never completes

George Lindholm December 21, 2022

   I'm trying to set up a bamboo-8.2.6-jdk11 docker instance using postgres-12 but the installation gets stuck on the setting up the database step.

As far as I can the database has been set up, but it doesn't go past that.

I've tried several time, with different releases with no luck.

I've waited for up to 11 hours before aborting the attempt and trying something slightly different.

At this point I don't know what to try next


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George Lindholm December 22, 2022

Looks like the web page was stuck.

When I accidentally entered the url in a different tab I found the the setup process had advanced to the next step

George Lindholm January 14, 2023

Side note, I tried the install several times and they all hung at the same place

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