Checkout Directory for Source Code

James Wallace
February 8, 2016

This question is in reference to Atlassian Documentation: Checking out code

When specifying a directory to check out to, is the code checked out into a folder named after the repo IN that directory, as git usually does it?  i.e. if I have a repo named 'code', and specify a checkout directory of /var/www/, will the code end up in /var/www/code/* ?   or as /var/www/* ?

1 answer

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Mr. Wolf
February 8, 2016

if you do a

git clone

you will find your code in a subfolder which is named like your repository name (in this case /tmp/example) of your current directory (/tmp).


To checkout your Repository into another folder you can execute this : 

git clone /tmp/my-code

Now you will find your code in /tmp/my-code





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