CVS permission incorrectly identified by Bamboo.

George Kovoor October 6, 2011

while checking out files using CVS source control definied in the plan, I have noticed certain permissions are not applied correctly. Whereas executing cvs checkout as the same user from the server console resolves in getting the file permissions correctly. Is there any perticular reason for this behaviour? Is there any way to get the excat cvs command executed by bamboo on the server.

Is it possible to add / edit cvs parameters to the one executed by Bamboo..

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Przemek Bruski
Atlassian Team
Atlassian Team members are employees working across the company in a wide variety of roles.
October 6, 2011

Is it possible to add / edit cvs parameters to the one executed by Bamboo..

We don't use the command line client in Bamboo, so, no, not really. What kind of permissions are you missing from your working copy? Assuming that you are running Bamboo 3.1+, maybe it's easy to put them back in via a Script Task?

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