Bamboo windows agents build_dir on NAS path

Nassim Kammah July 10, 2011

We have many plans running on windows virtual machine agents and are facing some space issues - while we managed to solve this problem for the unix agent by sharing the build_dir for all the agents ( using symlinks), I can't figure out a way to make this work for windows agents.

So far, I tried the following :

- specifying the UNC path into the bamboo build config

- mapping the NAS location to a letter (b:\build-dir) and updating the bamboo build config, but the repo fail to check out.

Any thoughts?

3 answers

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Zohar Shay
I'm New Here
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September 19, 2011

You can use a mapped network drive if you switch to using the Professional edition of the Tanuki service wrapper with bamboo (requires license for each service).


This way you can setup the service wrapper running bamboo Tomcat or agent to map the network drive when the service starts adn unmap when the server is stopped.

We are using this sucecsfully with Bamboo 3.2 and multiple Bamboo agents shring same drive across different VMs.

Hope This Helps, Good Luck!

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Marcin Gardias
Atlassian Team
Atlassian Team members are employees working across the company in a wide variety of roles.
July 21, 2011

UNC paths are not supported by cmd.exe which Bamboo uses to run external process. You can use mapped network drives but there are some caveats too:

Do you run agents as Windows service? By default, network drive mappings are not available to windows services:

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Przemek Bruski
Atlassian Team
Atlassian Team members are employees working across the company in a wide variety of roles.
July 10, 2011

What error is shown when the checkout fails?

BTW: make sure you turn off concurrent builds when you share build directories like this.

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