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Bamboo planbranch setting to prevent deletion pendant in database Part 2

HeWi June 8, 2022

Hello @Eduardo Alvarenga,
I have already accepted the answer to my previous question (Bamboo planbranch setting to prevent deletion pendant in database ), because I was able to find the setting in the column you have described.
Unfortunately, after changing the setting "Clean up plan branch automatically" of a specific planbranch, it has no effect on the XML_DEFINITION_DATA column. Even after creating a new plan branch having a different setting, the element <disabled> always has the value "false".
So, this column seems to be deprecated, and there has to be another field/file, where this information is getting stored.
Could you please reevaluate the information?

2 answers

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HeWi June 9, 2022


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Eduardo Alvarenga
Atlassian Team
Atlassian Team members are employees working across the company in a wide variety of roles.
June 8, 2022

Hey @HeWi, Good to help you again!

The XML_DEFINITION_DATA column is updated on the BUILD_DEFINITION table whenever you enable or disable the "Clean up plan branch automatically" setting on a Plan Branch. That column is not deprecated.


When enabled:


When disabled:


I recommend you reach out to Atlassian Support and open a ticket if your issue still persists.


Eduardo Alvarenga
Atlassian Support APAC

HeWi June 9, 2022

Yes, okay, correct, @Eduardo Alvarenga,

the XML_DEFINITION_DATA gets changed after saving the planbranch settings, BUT:

There has to be another value/table effecting the checkbox, because when the value of planbranch A (disabled: false) gets updated via SQL statement in the column XML_DEFINITION_DATA with the value of planbranch B (disabled: true), Bamboo still shows the checkbox of planbranch A being enabled, even after reloading the buildplan page.

Can you explain, why that is happening and which other value is being responsible for the checkbox in Bamboo showing the effect of updating the database value? Only after restarting the bamboo service, the setting takes effect. Why does it work when initiated via the buildplan settings in the Bamboo GUI (without restarting the bamboo service).

Why is not Bamboo applying the updated database values after reloading the buildplan page? What has to be done? Is Bamboo using some kind of cache?

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