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Bamboo does not start - permissions on cipher folder

Jozef Vandenmooter April 29, 2020

I'm setting up a Poc on a Windows 10 machine with Jira 8.7, Confluence 7.4 and Bamboo 7.0.3.

Jira and Conluence work great, but Bamboo refuses to start because the permissions on the 

C:\Atlassian\Application Data\Bamboo\xml-data\configuration\cipher 

folder keep disappearing

The error in the log is:

2020-04-28 16:13,154 FATAL [localhost-startStop-1] [BambooContainer] Cannot start Bamboo java.lang.RuntimeException: java.nio.file.AccessDeniedException: C:\Atlassian\Application Data\Bamboo\xml-data\configuration\cipher
2020-04-28 18:16:28,268 INFO [LastResortTerminationThread] [lifecycle] * Bamboo has been shut down *

No matter how I set the permissions on this folder or its parent folder (establishing inheritance etc), they disappear after starting Bamboo! Anyone know how to prevent this from happening?

Note that the Bamboo service is running under an account that has Local Administrator's access



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Jozef Vandenmooter April 30, 2020

In case someone comes here...

I solved this by re-installing Bamboo and installing the service and then, before starting it, changing the log on account to an account that has local admin access.

Jeyanthan I
Atlassian Team
Atlassian Team members are employees working across the company in a wide variety of roles.
May 1, 2020

Hi @Jozef Vandenmooter ,

Thanks for sharing the solution. I believe this issue is also detailed in this KB article.


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Alexey Chystoprudov
Atlassian Team
Atlassian Team members are employees working across the company in a wide variety of roles.
May 2, 2020

It's related to and as Jey mentioned KB has solution for it

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