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Bamboo Yaml spec plan requirements

uknami June 19, 2018


Is there any detailed information about how to setup job requirements with exists, matches operations.


I am trying to use the bamboo yaml specs but it just can't see the requirement being set

here is my 

key: IT
key: CIINF
name: Test Build
- jobs:
- scripts:
- echo 'Going to slay the red dragon, watch me'
- sleep 1
- echo 'Nailed it'
- system.builder.command.DotNet

The above code does not detect any agents with the above capability but there are. What am I missing?

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Atlassian Team
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June 21, 2018

Do you mean that the requirement isn't set at Plan Configuration > Stages & jobs > Job 1 > Requirements tab ?

Or is it showing no agent able to build it?

The capability is case sensitive. Check if the capability configured for the agent have the same case "DotNet" or it have different Capital Letter.

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