Bamboo Upgrade

Chris May 14, 2020

System: Windows Server 2012 R2
DB Server (External): Microsoft SQL
Previous Bamboo: v6.5
New Bamboo: v6.10

Initial Steps Before Upgrade: I made a backup of the xml-data folder (contains builds and configuration). I also made a database export using the built-in tool from Bamboo. In hindsite I think this was the wrong way to keep a backup since I use an external SQL Server.

Problem: I have installed Bamboo 6.10. I run the "Start in Console" and follow the setup instructions through the web browser (custom setup). Everything is fine until I reach the Database setup/connection portion. I enter the Type of database (Microsoft SQL), the driver class name, the direct JDBC connection URL, the user name, and the password. I DO NOT check "Overwrite existing data" as I want to keep my database intact. When I press "Continue" I am given a red error at the top of the page that states "Database contains existing data.". It will not let me proceed and I do not want to overwrite my database, I want to keep my existing Bamboo DB.

How do I get past this? How do I get everything to upgrade without a complete wipe of my database?

I began the process of upgrading Bamboo from version 6.5 to 6.10. I ran an export backup

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Edwin Kyalangalilwa
Rising Star
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May 14, 2020

Hi @Chris ,

Once you have the new Bamboo instance configured, you'll update file of the new installation to point to the current home directory. When the new Bamboo starts up, it'll read DB information from there, connect to and update the database tables.

You won't have to go through the install wizard in the UI. Once it's started up, Bamboo should be upgraded.

More information can be found in the Bamboo upgrade guide

Chris May 14, 2020

What is the specific file that it is looking for within the home directory? I thought I had it looking at the correct directory, but it isn't doing anything different on setup.

Edwin Kyalangalilwa
Rising Star
Rising Star
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May 15, 2020

It's looking for a bamboo.cfg.xml

Chris May 15, 2020

Thank you.
I updated it and am getting an error now.

Edit: Removed error (too long). See screenshots of error in later post. 

Chris May 15, 2020

Removed duplicate info.

Chris May 15, 2020

I have found and setup the bamboo.cfg.xml that I believe to be the correct one. I now get an error. I have tried posting the error a few times but the post always disappears.

Edit: Looks like my other posts have reappeared.

Chris May 15, 2020

Here are two images of the stacktrace.Bamboo Error P1.PNGBamboo Error P2.PNG

Edwin Kyalangalilwa
Rising Star
Rising Star
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May 20, 2020

Hi @Chris ,

The error seems to be related to Crowd, although i'm not finding much information on the error. It's possible data got corrupted. Since you have a backup, I'd recommend reinstalling the previous version to a separate database, importing the data and running the upgrade again. It should be a smooth process since you're on a newer version of Bamboo.

So after restoration, download the new version, migrate over custom configurations to the new installation (memory e.t.c), set home directory to current home directory, stop the current service, update the service so it points to the new installation and start up the service.

Chris May 26, 2020

Thank you for the detailed response.
I am not sure what Crowd is. So if I reinstall the previous version, why do I wanted a new database vs the one that currently exists?

Edwin Kyalangalilwa
Rising Star
Rising Star
Rising Stars are recognized for providing high-quality answers to other users. Rising Stars receive a certificate of achievement and are on the path to becoming Community Leaders.
May 28, 2020

Crowd is one of the Atlassian tools used as a centralized user management. You could try that, but your export and the current database aren't in the same state after the upgrade attempt. 

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