Bamboo, RPMs, Deploy Pipelines, oh my.

December 5, 2013

So I've got Bamboo up and running on my project, and I've got it doing "releases" into Artifactory.

I really want Bamboo to manage the deployment pipeline as well, but there are a couple things I'm not clear on. First, our configuration management team uses RPMs as the unit of deployment. I know I could build an RPM and pass that along as an artifact, but then it doesn't go into Koji.

Here's what I really want (this is a non-java but totally mavenized project), somebody tell me if it's crazy:

  1. Check out, compile, test project. Install snapshot into artifactory (working fine)
  2. If (1) succeeds, perform a release build. Update version, package as tgz, tag source repo, install into Artifactory (working fine)
  3. (Separate plan) Get file from Artifactory, create RPM, install RPM in Koji repo (Understand how to do this with scripts or whatever)
  4. Deploy pipeline deals with the RPM (Not sure how to do this)

Can somebody point me in the right direction with this one? Do we have to give up RPMs to use the deployment part of the tool?

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jeff mease
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December 16, 2015

I did this by scripting the pull from artifactory using cURL to get the artifact. Then a ssh script to the target from a bamboo script task that runs a yum install of the rpm . 


We later modified it to run a CHEF script for the install and pulled everything out of the pipeline except a release promotion of the rpm to another yum repo in artifactory.

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