Bamboo Linked repositories

Deleted user July 11, 2018

Im trying to configure my reposistory. Im using to ways to configure and test the connection, using Username and Password & SSH private keys


Using the Username and Password  returns the following error....

Git credentials storage exception.

log file 

Caused by: C:\Dev\Bamboo\temp\GIF65E~1.TMP (Access is denied)

 I have grant write permissions to the folder.

and using the SSH private keys returns the following error....

We couldn't connect to the repository. The details you provided were invalid.

 log file

Caused by: java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Cannot read keypair, it doesn't contain any line with '-----BEGIN


Any advice on how to solve the above

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Atlassian Team
Atlassian Team members are employees working across the company in a wide variety of roles.
July 25, 2018

Using the Username and Password  returns the following error....

Is Bamboo started through the file "start-bamboo.bat" or Windows Service?

If Windows Service, is it configured to start Bamboo as "Local System account" or a user account? For more info, refer to Running Bamboo as a Windows service as the local user

Set the Windows Service to run with a user account and then confirm that user account have the read and write permission to the folder C:\Dev\Bamboo

and using the SSH private keys returns the following error....

Did you use Putty to generate the SSH key? Click on the Conversion menu to convert it to OpenSSH key which will have the following example file content format:

Tobi Echevarria
I'm New Here
I'm New Here
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May 24, 2019

This solved the credential issue for me. Setting the User to have Read and Write permissions to the below folder.

"Set the Windows Service to run with a user account and then confirm that user account have the read and write permission to the folder C:\Dev\Bamboo"

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