Bamboo Deployment result not in logs

Chris Bellar May 6, 2019

I'm using Splunk to to ingest Bmaboo logs, but have noticed that deployment results aren't logged. Here is an example of what is logged after the event:

2019-05-06 10:12:10,999 INFO [9-BuildTailMessageProcessingThread-expensive:pool-16-thread-2377] [DeploymentExecutionServiceImpl] 53477381-125599956-162468176: Finished processing deployment result Deployment of 'DEV-754' on 'DEV'

Is there a way to get Bamboo to log the results of deployments so I can parse it with Splunk? 

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Daniel Santos
Atlassian Team
Atlassian Team members are employees working across the company in a wide variety of roles.
May 7, 2019

Hi @Chris Bellar

Thanks for sharing the log message which was very helpful in this case.

According to that message your deployment is running on a remote agent and that is the reason you don't see more log details directly in your server logs. All logs would be there if your deployment was running on a local agent.


Where are my deployment logs?

You should be able to find your deployment logs downloaded from the remote agent at:

  • <Bamboo_Home>/xml-data/builds/<DEPLOYMENT_ID>-<ENVIRONMENT_ID>/download-data/build_logs/

The file name will be:


luckily, all the IDs are in the log message you shared as you can see below in bold: 

2019-05-06 10:12:10,999 INFO [9-BuildTailMessageProcessingThread-expensive:pool-16-thread-2377] [DeploymentExecutionServiceImpl] 53477381-125599956-162468176: Finished processing deployment result Deployment of 'DEV-754' on 'DEV'

so this should be the address of your deployment log:

  • <Bamboo_Home>/xml-data/builds/53477381-125599956/download-data/build_logs/53477381-125599956-162468176.log


Please let me know if you need any clarifications.

Chris Bellar May 8, 2019

Thank you @Daniel Santos !

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Daniel Santos
Atlassian Team
Atlassian Team members are employees working across the company in a wide variety of roles.
May 8, 2019

You are welcome! =]

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