Bamboo Deployment cannot find Release?

October 2, 2018

We set an individual plan Expiry like this:

Expiry Exceptions

Minimum builds to keep (set to "0") build(s) per plan '1' will keep the last build on a plan, the rest will expire according to your expiry time frame. Leave blank if not needed. Keep builds with the following labels (set to "keep") Enter multiple labels separated by spaces. Minimum  deployments to keep (set to "2") successful deployment(s) per environment.

Problem: after some time has passed the Release cannot be found to be deployed even with the "keep" label by the Deployment project. We are on Bamboo build 51513. I am selecting "Promote existing release to this environment" and I am receiving "No matches found" but when I go to the build plan I can see the build marked with a "keep". Are we doing something wrong with our individual plan Expiry settings above?

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Atlassian Team
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October 4, 2018

"Promote existing release to this environment" will fail if the existing release has been expired.

Minimum deployments to keep (set to "2") successful deployment(s) per environment.

This setting will only keep the latest 2 "successful" releases per environment. If the release is just created without any deployment performed, it is not considered as successful deployment yet causing the release to be expired.

Bamboo 6.3+ has revamped it so that release will not be expired if the related build is protected ("keep" label). BAM-17743

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