Bamboo Deploy plan without build source

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December 21, 2017

We are trying to utilize Bamboo for deployment automation, although we are not quite ready for build automation yet. It will take long to get build dependencies resolved, over a year or so. 

So I am wondering, if its possible to automate only deployment process. So that we can automate and integrate that with Jira. I see source build is a mandatory field for deploy plan, is there is any workaround to skip build plan? or can I create a dummy build plan? 

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Atlassian Team
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December 21, 2017

Hi Kus,


The basic workflow of CI/CD is you use your Build Plans to build your code, artifacts and then you use your Deployment Plans to deploy the artifacts/release to the target environment - UAT/PROD/DET, etc.

According to your requirement here, if you do not have the build plans then how and what you will supply to the deployment plans to deploy?

And since there will be no or dummy build plan for the deployment plan the release notes will also be useless as it will contain none or useless details in it which will be irrelevant to the deployed release.

Probably you can explain more about the requirement so that I can understand well if I am missing any point here.



I'm New Here
I'm New Here
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June 23, 2024

Have you ever heard about "12 factors app"? Release = a build + configuration. Thus to be able to deploy a new release based on the same build, you need to have the build of an app defined in a separate repo from the one which defines deployment. And currently you need to make a "dummy" build plan just to create a deployment plan.
Repo A:

  • sources of an app
  • build definition

Repo B:

  • dummy build definition (actually just pins a version of an app to be deployed)
  • Deployment definition

With languages like python which do not require precompilation "build" is even more meaningless.

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