Bamboo 7.0 is here!


Martyna Wojtas
Atlassian Team
Atlassian Team members are employees working across the company in a wide variety of roles.
May 18, 2020

@systematicguy Yes, as the next step we will implement the same process for bugs as for suggestions: closing the old issues with low number of votes and allocating resources to work on the old and highly votes ones that are aligned with our strategy for FY21. As for BAM-4213 - we are currently looking into it.

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Martyna Wojtas
Atlassian Team
Atlassian Team members are employees working across the company in a wide variety of roles.
May 26, 2020

@pfyod We’ve started with Bitbucket Server support as that’s where we’d found most customer demand. We are open to supporting Bitbucket Cloud but, unfortunately, we can’t share any timeline yet.

Martyna Wojtas
Atlassian Team
Atlassian Team members are employees working across the company in a wide variety of roles.
May 27, 2020

@Paul Wagland thank you very much for the thorough feedback! We are aware of this issue and are looking into possible solutions - your feedback will surely help with that. Could you please let me know what's the reason for restarting Bamboo server so often?

In the meantime maybe you would like to try seamless restarts to make this issue less painful? It's a dark feature, so it's not supported, however it works for us internally very well. Please note it doesn't work during upgrades and for local/elastic agents. In case it doesn't meet your needs you can simply switch it off and restart Bamboo. Please find short documentation below.

Switching it on (or off)



The first flag switches the state restoration during server startup on when it's set to false.

The second flag switches on persisting runtime data in the filesystem.

Changes to the system not controlled by the feature flag:

  • agents messaging is now started after initiating plan caches instead before
  • minor changes to pending results cleanup

State restoration scope

The following items are restored on restart:

  • queued builds and deployments
  • build jobs waiting for previous stages of a chain
  • running builds and deployments, provided they are being executed on remote agents or elastic agents with tunneling switched off

The following items are not restored on restart:

  • order of the items in the build queue
  • running builds and deployments if executed on local agents or elastic agents with tunneling switched on
  • fired triggers that did not yet result in new instance of build/deployment result, in particular:
    • automatic deployment triggers fired during execution of a deployment to the same environment
    • build triggers delayed due to another automatic triggered being processed

Bamboo guarantees that state of the results is eventually consistent, that any result which is not in terminal state is either:

  • processed by standard means of result handling (including possible orphaning of the result by an agent)
  • deemed unrecoverable and set to NOT_BUILT or FAILED state (whichever is appropriate) during server start up

Data format

Run time data is stored in bamboo home, under "serverState" directory. Manual removal of files from this directory can be used as a means of bypassing state restoration.

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