Writing GPTs that use the Atlassian APIs

_A9_ William Kennedy
February 4, 2024

I'm having some success with a custom GPT that can interact with my Jira instance! (and yours if you're on Cloud)


Some tricks real quick before I write an extended post:

  • Create an App
  • Configure your Scope in the Developer Console for your App. 

    Each Operation in the Swagger documentation is linked to one or more Scopes that define what the user needs permission for in order to use that Operation.

  • Be sure the swagger file you provide matches the scope. To assist with this task, I I made another GPT using the available swagger files for Jira Software, Service Management and the User APIs. You may have to create your own to assist here (I'll write something up, but here are the instructions you can use for your own: https://gist.github.com/wjkennedy/d982033b043907e502b87de809cec9fe
  • Use the trimmed spec file in the GPT (no more than 30 operations with 299 character descriptions) (The GPT above is meant to generate these from Atlassian's swagger files)


Why this is different than what you may already find:

- This enables you to do what Atlassian does with Intelligence; provide an LLM with access to your instances and the data there, but not "out of the box".

- This enables next level data analysis; you're not bridging the gap between an example (out of date and irrelevant) and your data, you begin with your data (JQL, custom Forge apps, etc.)

- It reduces the last-mile effort required to set up 3LO with anything that you'd want to use the swagger doc for; codegen, insomnia, postman, retool, etc.

- It doesn't seek to answer questions about atlassian, though if you want to see that working, contact me for the example I gave the Atlassian Advisory Services team 


2 answers

1 vote
_A9_ William Kennedy
February 5, 2024


A9 Khoros Community Bot - TEAM Edition
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Nic Brough -Adaptavist-
Rising Star
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February 4, 2024

You probably do not want to do this.

LLM AIs are not bad at answering simple generalised questions, but they are utterly dreadful at answering questions that need an expert system.  Such as Jira.

Please, do not try this, we already have a 99%+ failure rate on AI answering Atlassian questions.

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