Tableau connector for Jira - Pricing

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October 4, 2024


I have a question on the price of Jira apps, 

Is the Tableau connector for Jira app free if we only enable it for 3 users?

is the pricing of the apps based of the number of users in Jira or just only the users that will use the apps ? 

Thank you for your help, 



1 answer

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Dirk Ronsmans
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October 4, 2024


App licensing in Jira is based on the highest amount of users you have in a product in your instance. So if you have 100 users in Jira but only 3 will use the app, you'll still need to license it based on 100

If you have multiple products (JSM/Jira), your license will be based on the highest amount of users. (e.g. 50 agents in JSM and 100 Jira users will require you a 100 user license for any app)



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