Disapearing apps on free Conluence for 10 users

Gabrielle Girard
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July 24, 2023

We are using Confluence and several apps (Elements for spreadsheet, Draw io, Export scroll PDF)

We have 8 licenses, therefore our access is free. 

We have a problem this morning, the applications we use are no longer installed. They just vanished from Confluence .

We tried reinstalling the Elements for spreadsheet app, but it either loads the trial for ever, without success, or  when it does load in Confluence we get a message that we cannot edit the spreadsheet because the trial is finished. We have been using this app for a few months now, without any problems.

Anyone has an idea what is going on?


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Ste Wright
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August 6, 2023

Hi @Gabrielle Girard 

Are you still experiencing this issue?


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