Anyone tried compass yet ?

Johan Behrens
March 15, 2023



Was hoping that someone who did try it out could tell me if it is any good or not :-)




J.H.N. Behrens

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Ammar Ahmed Butt
Community Leader
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March 15, 2023

@Johan Behrens 

It helps! Compass - Atlassian 


  • Understand and visualize component relationships with ease.

Team dashboard

  • Give your teams everything they need to track the components they own and keep them in a healthy state.


  • Codify development and operational best practices at scale. Give teams autonomy while ensuring security, compliance, and reliability best practices are maintained.

DevOps Health

  • Apply engineering best practices at scale and keep your teams happy and your components reliable and secure

A real time record of change

  • Always have the answer to “what’s happened to this component?”. See rich, real time activity updates from your components and their dependencies, with data pulled in from across all the tools in your software development toolchain.


  • Keep track of your technical architecture and the teams that collaborate around them.

Johan Behrens
March 16, 2023

thank you for the answer

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