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How can a migration in progress be stopped?

Jean Dupree August 24, 2022

Everyone makes mistakes, and sometimes you don't know you did until after pulling the trigger.

Some migrations take a very long time to complete.  How can we kill it and reset our settings and start over?

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Cyril Philemon August 24, 2022

Hi @Jean Dupree , 

While @vikram  is correct in reaching out to support to see what is causing the migration to take a long time. 
Only Confluence has the ability to stop a migration that was started using CCMA from the UI. 

Jira on the other hand does not have a stop button, not yet at least. The only way to actually stop a Jira migration that has been initiated using JCMA is to delete the plan from the database. That will actually delete the specified plan from the UI as if it never happened. 

That should be something you do only after you are sure you do not need any migration logs and completed all troubleshooting, basically as last resort. 

Hope this helps and let me know if you have any future migration questions. 

Cyril Philemon

Jean Dupree August 27, 2022

You can delete it while it's in progress?

Cyril Philemon September 8, 2022

Yes, it is possible to delete while it is in progress for JIra at least. I have never had to try it for Confluence. 

Logan Hawkes July 14, 2023

Great! How do we delete the plan from the database?

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Rising Star
Rising Star
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August 24, 2022

Hi Jean Dupree

Welcome to community. 

Please contact support 

Support team look from backend, what process are taking long time and kill the process if required. 

With Regards

Vikram P

AUG Leaders

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