Atlassian AI in Jira Software

Wade H
September 7, 2023

Hello, I have been in the early access program for Atlassian AI for JSM and Jira Software. I am not sure if I am missing something but I do not see the ability to use some of the features in Jira Software that i see in the feature list. The only one that I can see in my instance it the AI search under the issues section of a project, Did I miss getting something turned on? Also would it be possible to have the AI turned on for our Confluence instance as well?


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Walid Daccache September 7, 2023

I also see the same... Is there anywhere else where AI can be used? I've seen it being used on issues in demonstrations but not sure how to enable it?!

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Tomas Junger
September 9, 2023

I have the same problem, only AI can be used only in Issue filter. 

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