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📰 AI.News Roundup: Week Ending May 31

Kelly Stocker
Community Manager
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May 31, 2024

It's Friday and the last day of May? Time to celebrate with a whopping round up of AI news you could possibly use to a. know stuff or b. sound real smart at conferences/cocktail parties. 🤓🍸

  • OpenAI has begun training a new flagship AI model to succeed GPT-4. It expects this new model will help us get closer to achieving artificial general intelligence (AGI). The company also announced it's creating a new Safety and Security Committee to explore how it should handle the risks posed by the new model and future tech.
  • Social media is abuzz with examples of Google’s new AI Overview product saying weird stuff, from telling users to put glue on their pizza to suggesting they eat rocks. The messy rollout means Google is racing to manually disable AI Overviews for specific searches as various memes get posted.
  • Senators are pushing to introduce a bill - the NO FAKES Act - as early as June that would set rules governing the use of AI in the music and movie industries, an effort that coincides with new AI tensions roiling Hollywood.
  • Anthropic’s AI assistant, Claude AI can automate tasks and interact with external data sources, APIs, and tools without human input. For example, it can analyze data to create personalized product recommendations based on a user’s purchase history or provide quick responses to customer questions, like tracking orders or giving tech help in real-time.
  • Perplexity introduced Pages, a tool that turns AI search and discovery into simple articles and reports for sharing. Users can enter a search prompt, select an audience type (beginner, advanced or anyone) to shape the tone of the generated text, and it will create a detailed and shareable article – it will also find and insert relevant media items such as images and videos.Major tech players including Microsoft, Amazon, and IBM have pledged to publish safety measures for their AI models to promote responsible and ethical AI use.
More AI news below :downn:
 :rolled_up_newspaper:The latest news
:chart_with_upwards_trend: Industry trends
:safety_vest:Responsible AI



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