Call for Speakers - AI track at TEAM 24

Hi everyone - I hope those of you in the US had a happy and restful Thanksgiving. Now that you've hopefully finished your turkey leftovers... 

I’m sharing an exciting opportunity to speak at our upcoming annual customer event - TEAM! Team 24 is in April in Vegas and this time we have a dedicated AI track!

We strongly believe that one of the biggest hurdles of AI is helping drive cultural change so people can use AI in every day workflows. We think this is an awesome opportunity to speak here and want to open this up to our Community.

Here is the link to submit:

The call for speakers ends soon, so get your submission in! Here are some suggestions and tips for talks that have a great chance of being accepted:
  • Focus on the practice first.
  • Then weave in product where it makes sense.
  • If it's a deep topic, you could go deep into the "how to" for it.
  • Use personal and real examples - your story is unique. 

Reminder: ANYONE can apply!

Next, here’s an AI prompt to help improve your talk abstract and title:

Imagine you’re a famous keynote speaker. You’re writing a pitch for a talk at a large conference and want to make the tone and voice more engaging.
The talk is for a conference about teamwork and B2B SaaS products that help teams.

The track I'm submitting a talk to is on the topic of: [e.g. AI - trying to help teams to get the most of AI through our products and practices.]
The audience is: [e.g. Engineering and IT Leaders]

With all of this in mind, please suggest a snappy talk title and abstract. Be sure to keep the abstract short < 350 characters.
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