How to remove someone as a follower (on a goal) who is no longer with the team

Kate Reeder
September 24, 2024

We have a person who left the company but is still showing as a follower of a couple goals in Atlassian Home Goals (Atlas). This user has been suspended in Atlassian Admin, but they still appear in the list of followers. We can't ask this team member to go in and un-follow the goal bc they are no longer with us. How can we manually remove them? 

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Dave Mathijs
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September 24, 2024

Hi @Kate Reeder 

To remove a goal follower in Atlas who is no longer active, follow these steps:

  1. Access the Atlas Goal
  2. Open the Followers section
  3. Click the three-dot menu next to the deactivated follower
  4. Select "Remove" or "Unfollow"
  5. Confirm the action
Kate Reeder
September 24, 2024

Thanks @Dave Mathijs I don't have three dots next to this user's name. Here is an image. FYI - I am the Org Admin. 

Atlas follower screen image.png

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