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Create your own content scanning detections

Things are heating up as we transition into summer, and so are our engineer's laptops from creating some new detections for you! 

Beacon (soon to be Guard Detect) sends an alert when someone updates a Confluence page containing certain types of sensitive data, such as credentials, financial, or identity data.

You can now create custom content scanning detections, which allow you to get an alert for terms or phrases that are sensitive to your organization.

To create a custom content detection:

In Beacon (beta), go to Detections > Content scanning

Select Create new detection

Follow the prompts to create your custom detection.


How to create a custom content scanning detection


Please note: We recommend you create a page to test your detection, and monitor it over the first few days. You can always go back and and adjust the terms if necessary.

Take it for a test drive and let us know what you think!


You can also join us over in Atlassian Guard for future updates.



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