Why is my article in moderation?

My article: Supercharge Your Confluence Intranet NOW - using Mantra https://community.atlassian.com/t5/App-Central/Supercharge-Your-Confluence-Intranet-NOW-using-Mantra/ba-p/2678222 was online for like 10 minutes. I saw an error, did one edit and published again, suddenly, it was in moderation.


Can someone help me, please?





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John Funk
Community Leader
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April 22, 2024

Hi Patricia - this got put there by an automation process. It should be out of moderation now. 

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Patricia Modispacher (appanvil)
Atlassian Partner
April 22, 2024

Thank you so much, @John Funk 

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Paul Sherman
April 22, 2024

The automation process needs to be improved, desperately. In this day and age there is too much reliance on "AI". It is very challenging to make truly 'Expert Systems' without human intervention. It is even more difficult to not impede human progress or innovation by use of such expert automation.

Patricia's case exemplifies a critical shortcoming in this regard. When a previously approved and released and posted article is edited or revised in any way by the same author there must be no subsequent re-moderation, period. How are we as Homo sapiens expected to evolve if we can't be trusted once we hzve been?

Thus, we need to rethink the automation of moderation.

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