Compare Q4 from the last year with the current year

CESAR DALDOSSO July 23, 2024

Hello, I want to collect data from a specific period , which is the Q4 from last year and compare it with the data from this year.

I will do this using status history but cannot find a way of doing 


Started at between and including






With this I have the period of the last year.

How can I obtain the period of the last quarter of the last year ?

one example

I want to compare the average number of issues resolved on the current year (2024)  and compare with the average number of issues resolved within the last quarter of the last year (Q4 2023)  


1 answer

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Nayan Pandey
Atlassian Team
Atlassian Team members are employees working across the company in a wide variety of roles.
July 25, 2024

Hi Cesar,

I am Nayan from the Atlassian Analytics team, happy to help!

Can you try using the following relative date variable: 

This would fetch Q4 for last year.

CESAR DALDOSSO August 27, 2024

hi, @Nayan Pandey  this solves my issue, tks!

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