Is there a limit on users when sharing an atlas project with a team?

Michael Audley
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October 10, 2023

When I try to share a project with a team that has 110 users and set want to set them as followers, it failes.

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Niraj Patil
Atlassian Team
Atlassian Team members are employees working across the company in a wide variety of roles.
October 15, 2023

Hi, @Michael Audley there is no limit on users when sharing a project. This might a bug. I'll investigate and report back soon. Sorry for the poor experience here.

Michael Audley
I'm New Here
I'm New Here
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October 15, 2023

Thank you! 

From what I've been able to tell when trying to add the "Team" it breaks the team out to its individual users, when I hit the share option, it's almost like as it loops through the users to add, it is timing out or maybe hitting a user that it doesn't know how to handle. I can see that it doesn't remove suspended and deactivated users from the team; maybe that's it?  


I'm not sure, but I figured sending that extra information might help.

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Niraj Patil
Atlassian Team
Atlassian Team members are employees working across the company in a wide variety of roles.
October 17, 2023

Hi, Michael, we did some initial investigation and our team thought it could be a few things:

1. As a fix for another incident, the team introduced a rate limit last week on sharing a project to 50 shares per workspace, per hour. You could be hitting the limit if the people in the workspace are sharing a lot at the moment, but the team is not convinced this is what's causing sharing to fail. 

2. The team also tried inviting 4 users on a test instance and found it to be sluggish so it's possible the request timed out. 

3. The team also noticed that if any one of the users added either directly or by email fails Atlas shows a failure toast/flag even though a bunch of others may be successfully added as followers.

I don't know if this information will help and I don't have any other updates here yet but I will keep you informed as I look into this more.

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