How connect Project existent on JIRa with Atlas GOALS?

Ericson de Souza Roza
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May 2, 2024

I need to connect existing JIRA projects to Atlas GOAL and link the epics, but I was only able to link the epics to the goal and not the projects. How do I do it?

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Karin van Driel
May 3, 2024

When you link the goal to an epic in the project, that is when the goal shows up in the Goals section on the Jira Project. There is no direct link to a Jira Project for Goals specifically, it is through the Jira issues you link.
You could always link directly by creating a shortcut with the link to the Atlas Goal, but that will not truly link the Goal in the traditional sense. 
If you are using Jira Premium, I've found that issues that are above Epic in the Hierarchy also would allow you to connect a Goal to them, so you could create a Project issue type that your Epics sit under and then have one Project Issue Type per Jira Project and use that to link your goals, in case for some reason you didn't want to link your Epics, but regardless of which issue type you link, your Goals will show in your Jira Project's Goals section.

Carlos Garcia Navarro
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May 4, 2024

Yes, when connecting the Atlas project to the Jira issue, goals (among other fields) get synchronized:

Screenshot 2024-05-04 at 10.29.08 PM.png

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Sarge May 2, 2024

I was just playing with this.  It seems like the "Project" you link in the goal is actually a project you create in the Platform Experience tool itself.  Then you link epics from whatever Jira project you want.  Feels a lot like the old Atlas actually, but I just started playing with it.



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