Hi everyone!
I'm Nicola, a product manager here at Atlas. We're currently exploring how we can improve the Goals experience so that it can better serve your goal tracking and reporting needs. We've received a lot of feedback requesting metrics (e.g. MAU #, $, % increase) to be added to Goals and we want to learn more about how we can make this a great experience.
Here's a mockup we've been exploring (not the final design). Your feedback can really make a difference in helping us improve the Goals and Metrics experience.
If you have some time next week, please let me know! I've setup a booking link so you can pick a time that's good for us to chat.
We really appreciate it, can't wait to hear your thoughts!
For sure a periodically update of current value is mandatory for the follow-up, as well been able to see its evolution in a timeline vs target
Pulling from other systems is nice but not mandatory.
Thanks for sharing this feedback, @KB and @Alexandre Krammel!
I will work on prioritising these features with the team.
Looking good! Would love to be involved but I’m based in Europe (France) and time slots are either way too early or way too late.
Love this, would be a great Addition to it.
Maybe another measure point could be jira tickets. Link a few tickets there, and when they are in a done state that key result is fulfilled.
I'm very similar to Cyril here with dates, but I'm more than happy to have a chat in Vegas with you guys.
Thanks for the feedback @Antal Vig Communardo! Will capture this and help prioritise with the team.
So glad you all are working on this! We've created the following custom fields:
Looks like it's aligned to what you all are planning to do!
Thanks for sharing @Yiling Baldez, good to hear we are on the right track :)
We are building an internal process for our org to follow precisely for this! We have designed some templates that we copy and paste into the status update and enter the KPI with which that goal is being measured.
I'd be happy to chat more, and we'd love to have this built into the product natively. If you need testers and early access feedback we'd be happy to help